You're working on a novel.

But right now, you're not satisfied with it.

You know the story has the potential to be a book readers can’t put down.

But, you’re not sure what to do to turn your current draft into a book you'll feel proud to publish.

The Big Picture is an editing service to help you craft a page-turning novel and build the storytelling skills to help you build a successful career in fiction.

Are you an experienced writer who….

  • Loves writing and wants to know the secrets to producing the best novels possible…
  • Worries how readers will review your next novel—you’re not sure what you did right in your previous books...
  • Wonders what you need to do next to become one of those authors that other writers look up to...
  • Has queried literary agents in the past—only to be rejected...
  • Dreams of writing one of those breakout novels that everyone talks about...

Or maybe you're a first time-novelist who….

  • Feels overwhelmed with ideas for your book and unsure about which ones to keep in and what to leave out...
  • Wonders what the secret is to making your story (finally) come together...
  • Worries that readers won’t continue beyond the first few pages of your novel…
  • Wants to know how to finish this novel so you can get started on your next one...
  • Dreams of a career as a full-time writer and feels determined to do what it takes to make that happen...

Do your daydreams sound like this...

Picturing the moment when you’re at a writers’ conference sitting on the same panel as your favorite authors, as their peer. Imagining how satisfied you’ll feel when fans create new stories and custom artwork inspired by your beloved series.

Dreaming of the day when you wake up in the morning to work on the manuscript to be published in a few months, brainstorm plans for a new series at lunchtime, and spend the afternoon responding to fan mail, recording an interview where you're the subject of interest. Then wrap it all up with a strategy session with your agent. What kind of contract terms would you consider acceptable from the publishers who want in on your new series?

What if

  • Publishing your next novel was a career turning point–the first step to making your dreams of becoming a full-time writer come true?
  • So many agents and editors loved your novel that there was a bidding war over the right to publish your next book?
  • Other novelists start asking you for advice because you’re the one they look up to now?


With The Big Picture you will learn to

  • Develop characters with depth who will come alive on the page
  • Design a plot that builds in conflict and suspense to keep readers turning pages
  • Keep readers hooked with scenes that draw them into your story
  • Create plot twists that surprise readers and pack the strongest possible emotional punch
  • Deliver on reader expectations so fans will leave hungry for more of your writing
  • Tell a clear, memorable story that no one else but you can write

Most importantly, you’ll be taking a big step forward in your career as a fiction author. We’ll focus on the storytelling skills that are most important to help you succeed in your genre, so you’ll feel more confident in every story decision you make for this novel and every future novel you write.

How The Big Picture Works

The Big Picture is a customized service that combines a review of your existing story materials with story coaching to help you produce the best novel possible.

It’s appropriate for authors who have a work-in-progress in a commercial fiction genre. (Genres like fantasy, romance, thriller, mystery, sci-fi or subgenres like paranormal romance, urban fantasy, historical thriller, etc.)

The Big Picture starts with an evaluation of your notes, character sketches, outlines, and scenes. It continues with 12 editorial feedback calls to hone your overall narrative arc and craft scenes that will hook your readers.

You’ll have homework assignments in-between each of the feedback calls to help improve your story. And I'll review these assignments in-depth no matter the length.

After our last call, you’ll receive a Next Steps Recommendation Letter so you can continue revising to make your novel a book readers can’t put down. You'll also be eligible for services I only offer to existing clients.

The Big Picture Breakdown

  • Pre-work survey to help us determine how best to build on your existing manuscript

  • Review of 40 pages of materials for your existing story prior to our first call

  • 12 1-hour coaching calls with personal one-on-one feedback to help you refine your story, including an in-depth review of the work you’ve done in between our calls

  • Unlimited email support to answer questions, be a sounding board for story changes, and provide access to your own personal on-demand cheerleader (Me!)

  • Audio recording of each call that you can keep forever

  • Assignments to help you craft a page-turning story filled with believable, compelling characters and scenes that draw readers in

  • Cheat sheets, short guides, and other resources to help you master key writing and storytelling concepts

  • Experience using a professional writing process that will help you save time (and frustration) on future novels

  • Next Steps Recommendation Letter that will help you continue to grow as a writer after our work together is done

The Big Picture: Investment

Includes an evaluation of 40 pages of existing story materials (e.g. notes, character sketches, outlines, draft scenes) prior to our first call, twelve (12) editorial feedback calls + review of your homework assignments, and a Next Steps Recommendation letter.

Turn your fantasy, paranormal, romance, thriller, mystery, or sci-fi manuscript into a novel readers can't put down.

6 payments of $500

*Want me to review your full manuscript? Schedule a free call and submit a writing sample. Manuscript review is application-only with preference given to existing clients.


The Big Picture is a personalized service that helps novelists identify the biggest opportunities for improving their stories at the same time it reinforces each writer’s unique voice.

If you’re one of the motivated authors who’s determined to make your writing dreams a reality, schedule your free call today.